
Beginners (Goldfish Series)

In the Goldfish series, swimmers should be able to complete all of the Octopus skills and should now be swimming a few metres unaided on their front and back.

In Goldfish 2 children will be encouraged to transition from the teaching pool into the main pool.  From Goldfish 3 and beyond, swimmers will only be taught in the main pool.

Goldfish 1

Swimmers must be able to complete of all the water skill sin Octopus 1, 2 and 3.

In these classes swimmers will learn to tread water, swim 5 metres on their front and back, together with dolphin leg kick for 5 metres and head first sculling.

Goldfish 2

Swimmers are prepared for learning to swim in the main pool, ideally this is done by spending part of the end of each lesson practising some of the skills gained in the deeper pool.

In these classes swimmers will strive to swim 10 metres of a recognised front crawl or breaststroke, 10 metres of backstroke, mushroom float and head first sculling for 5 metres.

Goldfish 3

Swimmers should be able to complete all of the skill in the Octopus series along with those in Goldfish 1 and 2 and should now be ready for learning in the main pool only.

Here swimmers will continue to learn front crawl side breathing and work towards improving the distances they can swim on their front and back to 15 metres or more.  They will learn breaststroke and dolphin legs.

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